Basic I.T. skills – Free course

Would anyone like to learn about staying safe and secure online, the benefits of the internet, searching the internet and using email and online forms?

Digital Northampton, NCC Adult Learning and Northamptonshire Libraries are joining forces to put on LIFE ONLINE, a free 4-week basic IT skills course for digital beginners.  The next two are at Towcester Library, Mondays 02 to 30 March 2020, 1pm to 3 pm and Daventry Library Wednesdays 4 March to 1 April 2020, 10 am to 12 noon.  Call Teresa Humpage to book on 07841 784127.  Spread the word!

Yelvertoft Parish Councillor won nomination to attend the Queens Royal Garden Party!

Councillor John Nichols has been involved with the Parish Council for the last 23 years.  John is the most helpful, cheerful, and hard-working Councillor anyone could ever wish for.  He has tirelessly worked for the good of the residents/Yelvertoft village – grass cutting, tree maintenance, allotment maintenance, cemetery maintenance, flood maintenance, KGV field maintenance, member of many sub committees and working groups – including the Village Hall which we consider is one of the best facilities in the UK with a fantastic village hall, professional pitches, amphitheatre, pocket park etc.  John takes it upon himself to carry out maintenance in the village nearly every day of the week, including weekends and evenings.  John never needs to be asked, never complains, and rarely receives thanks.

We truly believe that John is the best ever Councillor and deserves recognition and a treat which is why we nominated him to NCALC for their annual recognition award of attending the Queens Royal Garden Party in May.  We are delighted to say that John won!  John and his wife Jenny will be attending the party. Talking of Jenny, we must also thank her as she rarely sees John due to the amount of time he spends working for the good of the village.

John will be retiring as a Councillor in April (despite saying that he will still continue to do some maintenance! 😊).  We would like to give John a huge thank you for all his hard work over the years and wish him a long, happy, healthy retirement.  He will be sorely missed.


There have been concerns regarding the Gigaclear works and the reinstatement of verges. Herewith response from Gigaclear:

“I am sorry to hear that you are receiving complaints regarding the reinstatement of the verges.  I have forwarded your concerns onto the Project Manager.

We will reinstate all verges, pathways and roads within 6-months of completion of the build.  All work is completed in accordance and with the guidance of the Highways Authority.

The reinstatement of the verges will be carried out once the better weather arrives – this will usually be in late February/March/April.  Verges will then be top soiled and seeded.  If we reinstate earlier we run the risk of soil and seeds being damaged or washed away in the weather.

If you receive any questions from residents, please do not hesitate to give them the Network Build Care details or 01865 591137.  This is a dedicated team here in Abingdon who can answer any build queries they may have.

Many thanks.

Best regards