Yelvertoft Cemetery is owned and maintained by the Parish Council and we are committed to keeping it looking its best at all times.

Records for the burials are kept by the Parish Council and we have an appointed Burials Officer who keeps the records and liaises with Funeral Directors to ensure proceedings happen smoothly and without issue.

The Cemetery is maintained by volunteers alongside a contractor who carries out regular grass cutting and strimming.  We are extremely grateful to all the volunteers who spend many hours helping to keep the cemetery looking so good as if all works were to be contracted out then the cost to the Council would be enormous since it requires several hours every week in order to keep it looking at its best. By doing it like this it helps to keep the cost to a minimum. As such we are always looking for residents who would be prepared to put in a little time to help with keeping it tidy. If you (or you know someone) who can help please contact any member of the Parish Council, or the Clerk. The jobs at hand mainly involve mowing and strimming the grass, hedge trimming, maintaining the rose garden, and removal of dead flowers. There are a few other things to be done, but this is the main part. The Parish Council owns the machinery to enable this to be carried out.

Fees for burials in the Cemetery:

  • For a stillborn, or any child 12 months or under  £0
  • Full Burial £250
  • Exclusive Rights of Burial (burial plot reservation), (non-refundable from the burial fee) £50
  • Internment of cremated remains  £150
  • Placement of memorial stone (headstone or plaque)  £100
  • Purchase of Memorial kerb stone  £250

Please note:

  • the burial fee payable does not include grave digging
  • the responsibility for the maintenance of memorial headstones and plaques remains with relatives / person(s) responsible for the deceased


Burial plots are available for anyone who lives, or has resided, within Yelvertoft. Single and double plots are available. Exclusive Rights of Burial are also available for internments if you wish to reserve a plot(s).

Cremated Remains

Areas of the cemetery are dedicated to cremated remains. As from 2018 a new area has been allocated next to the fruit trees.  Cremated remains may be placed here with a mini headstone.

Memorial Stones

For anyone who has not lived in Yelvertoft but has a family connection to the village, granite memorial stones are available which can be inscribed.  These are situated around the Rose Garden and path.

Spreading of Ashes

We welcome the spreading of ashes on the Rose Garden, however, we have to keep a record of all ashes so it is essential that you please contact the Burial Officer before spreading ashes.

Rules on Headstones

One headstone not exceeding 3ft (91cm) in height and one flower container is permitted on each interment grave space. One flower contained built into the base of the headstone is permitted. Glass flower containers are not permitted.  In the case of cremated remains one small size headstone 18” wide x 24” high only is permitted.  Other monuments are not permitted. Only single base headstones are permitted. Every headstone must have engraved on the rear bottom left corner the grave number.  A photograph of the final actual headstone (front and rear) must be emailed to the Burial Officer at for approval before it is erected in the cemetery.

Read the full Burial Regulations for Yelvertoft Cemetery here: Burial Regulations

Please click here to view the Cemetery Risk Assessment.

If you have any enquiries regarding the cemetery please contact the Burial Officer via the contacts page.

Report from Assistant Burial Officer Jan 2021:

Any person who is, or has been, as permanent resident in Yelvertoft Parish may choose the cemetery as their final resting place.

Burial, if chosen, either in advance or by bereaved relatives, is available mostly in single plots.  Unfortunately, there is a water table under the yet unused part of the cemetery.  This problem restricts the digging of double depth graves as they are most likely to fill with water.  Unfortunately, it is not possible until the grave is dug to know whether this problem will occur. Consequently, it has been decided not to double dig.  It is advisable that those who wish to be buried close to loved ones reserve single plots next to each other.

Those persons who prefer cremation can choose to have the cremated remains (ashes) either buried in a designated smaller plot, marked with a small headstone or plaque, or in an existing reserved grave.  Alternatively, ashes may be scattered on the Rose Garden.  The granite memorial stones surrounding the Rose Garden can be engraved in memory of a loved one whose ashes are scattered there.  If ashes are scattered or buried in the cemetery it is a legal requirement that this is recorded by the Parish Council so you must contact them before scattering any ashes.

There are a number of cremated remains buried along the hedgerow on the right hand side of the cemetery as you enter through the gate.  It is planned to edge this area with kerb stones and with an edged pathway to join with the Rose Garden.

Anyone wishing to reserve a plot, either for burial or cremated remains, should contact the Burial Officer or Assistant Burial Officer.