Do you have a dashcam?


Funding for Groups – Coronavirus

The Northamptonshire Community Foundation (NCF) has launched a Coronavirus Response and Recovery Fund. It is open now for applications up to £3,000. NCF aims to make BACS payments quickly once the application is approved without recourse to a contract, although it will expect some basic due diligence from new and emerging groups.

Please visit the NCF web site at to complete a short online application.

Rural Response Emergency Grants Programme

Rural Response Emergency Grants Programme

Our grants aim to sustain rural communities, improve the prospects of viability for farm and rural businesses, and support aid delivery in an emergency and build resilience.

Key areas the Fund seeks to address

To be eligible for a grant you will need to demonstrate that your project is providing emergency relief to vulnerable or isolated individuals in rural or farming communities across the UK.

Supporting Aid Delivery in Emergency and Building Resilience:

The Fund will assist projects that support farm businesses or other rural business and rural communities to cope with the effects of Coronavirus.

This many include but is not limited to: –

  • Fuel costs for grocery and prescription delivery from rural community shops, pubs, and hubs –
  • Costs associated with emergency support by farm and agricultural support groups –
  • Rural foodbanks and food delivery

Applications close on Wednesday 15th April at 12pm.

Northants ACRE



Need support during the Coronavirus crisis?

The County Council have now opened their emergency response line 0300 126 1000 option 5, anyone that calls the line needing help with groceries or prescriptions will be directed to a local group of volunteers to help and support them. If you haven’t registered your group yet, you can do that on the County Council website. This is also the number you need to phone if there are any safeguarding concerns.

The web link for referrals is:

Village Contractors

Please can we ask that people do not approach any of the village maintenance contractors during the coronavirus crisis.  If you have any questions please contact the Parish Council and we will be more than happy to answer them.

Support during the coronavirus pandemic

Are you in need of extra support during the coronavirus pandemic? Or do you know someone in your local community who might need some help?

Daventry District Council is working with a range of partner organisations to co-ordinate local efforts to get people the help they need during these difficult times.

An army of volunteers has come forward to offer their help with everything from collecting prescriptions or shopping for people who cannot leave their home, to offering a friendly ear to those who might be feeling a bit lonely.

So if you are in need of any support, or know anyone who might need help, please get in touch.

Help that can be arranged includes:

▪️Collecting prescriptions

▪️Help with shopping/emergency supplies

▪️Telephone befriending

If you are in need of help and support please go to Daventry District Council’s website to complete an online form:<>

Once you have completed the form, we will match you with a community group of volunteers who will contact you as soon as they can to arrange the support you need. Please be aware we are experiencing huge demand for these services at the moment, so you may not get a response straight away.

Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4FP

T: 01327 871100        W:


Coronavirus – Volunteering Opportunities

If you and your family and friends want to be involved in volunteering opportunities in Northamptonshire there’s more information on the Northampton County Council website.  Volunteering – Coronavirus.

Volunteers will be matched with those requesting help, according to their skills and locations.  Volunteering could include delivering prescriptions or helping the food bank or other local essential community schemes.

Please take care and stay well.

Yelvertoft Annual Parish Meeting

To: All Yelvertoft village organisations

Re:       Annual Parish Meeting Invite

We are writing to invite you to the Yelvertoft Annual Parish meeting which will be held at 7pm on Monday 6th April 2020. 

Due to Coronavirus please note that all face-to-face meetings have been suspended so the meeting will be via web conference. 

We would really appreciate a report on what your organisation has been working on over the last 12 months, and also a presentation of your accounts.  This is a great opportunity for you to inform the village about your work, plans, achievements, and anything else you wish them to know.

We are often approached by village organisations with requests for funding, which we welcome.  Please note that priority for funding will be given to those groups that attend the Annual Parish Meeting as the Parish Council has a duty to all residents to ensure all funding awarded is made on a fair basis and in order for us to make such decisions we need to know what groups contribute to the village, how active they are and have an overview of their finances.

If you, or a representative, are unable to attend the meeting then you are welcome to send me a report which I will read out at the meeting.  If you are attending the meeting I would really appreciate you emailing me a copy of the report also to include in the minutes.

If you wish to participate:   

Go to

Enter meeting ID: 729 338 253

If using a telephone: 0203 695 0088.  Please note that calls from landlines will be charged at your usual rate.   

If you join online can we please ask that you do not use your webcams as it slows down the conference connection.  Please also try to access the conference at least 15 minutes beforehand so you can test your audio.  Your pc may also want to do a small download in order for Zoom to work on your pc.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Due to the coronavirus we wish to inform residents that all face-to-face meetings will be suspended for the foreseeable future. Meetings will now take place by web conference. As usual, we welcome public participation so if you wish to participate in any meeting please contact the Clerk and we will send you the details of the web conference.
You can either join meetings by using your computer or dial in using your phone (which is charged at local rate).
Please also continue to send in your emails and letters.

Basic I.T. skills – Free course

Would anyone like to learn about staying safe and secure online, the benefits of the internet, searching the internet and using email and online forms?

Digital Northampton, NCC Adult Learning and Northamptonshire Libraries are joining forces to put on LIFE ONLINE, a free 4-week basic IT skills course for digital beginners.  The next two are at Towcester Library, Mondays 02 to 30 March 2020, 1pm to 3 pm and Daventry Library Wednesdays 4 March to 1 April 2020, 10 am to 12 noon.  Call Teresa Humpage to book on 07841 784127.  Spread the word!